ISO 9001 Certification for Transport and Logistics Industry

ISO 9001 Certification helps trucking, transport, and logistics companies to improve their performance and reduce costs. The performance of trucking and transport industries directly affects the performance of all industries, from incoming raw materials to finished goods delivery, which we all experienced during the covid19 pandemic.

Does the transport industry need ISO 9001 Certification?

ISO 9001 is the most extensive quality system used worldwide; ISO 9001 is a quality system that applies to all industries. The currently used ISO 9001:2015 is the fifth edition of the ISO 9001 family. The PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) and Risk-based thinking are the core of ISO 9001:2015 standard.

ISO 9001 certification now becomes an inevitable requirement in the transport industry as ISO-certified companies are looking for ISO-certified transporting companies as their vendor, which is part of vendor selection.

Benefits of ISO Certification for transport and logistics

Proper implementation of ISO 9001 quality system helps to

  • Improve the performance
  • Reduce the cost
  • Enhance the customer satisfaction
  • Increase the credibility
  • Demonstrate commitment to high quality
  • Achieve international quality recognition
  • Improved coordination
  • Get selected as an approved vendor of ISO-certified companies
iso 9001 certification for transport and logistics

LMG can assist you in getting the ISO 9001:2015 Certification; our ISO Certification assistance includes.

Our Consulting Services include

For more information, please contact us with detailed information.